
Friday, July 3, 2015

3D scanning for free!

Great tutorial how to use free programs to recreate real object to 3D model from photos.

Software you'll need:
Visual SFM (CUDA version if you use nVidia)

CMVS For Windows


Published on Jan 6, 2015
3D scanning does not have to require expensive equipment and software. Using photogrammetry techniques you can do quite a bit of scanning for free with just a camera and some free, open-source software. For lighting, a cloudy day is good or for small objects fluorescent lighting also casts very little shadow. You can also try doing it inside a shadow.

--Note: No need to install Visual SFM or CMVS, just extract Visual SFM, then extract CMVS into the same folder.
--The download link for CMVS is on this page, lower right called "Download Zip". In the zip file open "BinariesWIn-Linux / Win64-VS2010" Then copy all the files in there and paste them in the same folder as Visual SFM Of course if you're using WIn32 you'll do that one instead.
--If you press tab and nothing happens all I can say is make sure CMVS is installed as described and check the log window for errors. I don't know any more than that.

---------I've put a lot of work into this tutorial as well as the comments and description text. If you like it please consider leaving a tip on my channel page with the "Support this channel button on the right". Thank you.

Software you'll need:
Visual SFM (CUDA version if you use nVidia)

CMVS For Windows


Here is the rock in full 3D after cleanup and retopo.

If you'd like to join Sketchfab and display your own models please use my link.

If you'd like to use my photos you can get them here (259MB)

This is the original tutorial I followed which has a ton of information, but I wanted my videos to get right to the point.

Shot with my Galaxy Note 3, edited in HitFilm and Photoshop

See my 3D work at

1 comment:

  1. Tested In-Depth: Structure Sensor 3D Scanner
